- Termin: Mo., 24. April 2023, 00:00 Uhr
- Leitung: Moira Pérez
- Ort: Gerberstraße 26
Montag, der 24. bis Dienstag, der 25. April 2023
The past few years have witnessed a reemergence of discussions both in the academy and the public sphere on the issue of controversial monuments and what should be done with them. Beyond their heritage and historical value, monuments condense (and produce) social meanings regarding past, present and future, citizenship, coexistence and belonging, identity and humanness. This Workshop will gather scholars from Latin America and Europe to reflect on both theoretical questions and specific cases, in order to add nuance to the debate and help us rethink our relationship to history, memory and the public space.
Mit: Moira Pérez (fiph/ Buenos Aires), Victoria Fareld (Uppsala, SWE), Alexandre Avelar (Uberlandia, BRA), Marko Demantovsky (Wien, AU), Joël Ben-Yehoshua (Jena, DE), Maria Grever (Rotterdam, NED), Monika Stobiecka (Warschau, PL), Jana Kristin Hoffmann (Bielefeld, DE), Carolina González Undurraga (Santiago, CHL), Lina Gafner (Basel, CH).
This is a non-public workshop. / Es handelt sich um eine nicht öffentlichen Workshop.
Program (PDF): Download